By definition, a circle is a curved line with every point equal distance from the point to the center and bound together by a common interest. The seven point program of the "Circle of Love" is bound together by the common interest - love.
The image above is symbolic of our CIRCLE OF LOVE program. By definition, a circle is a curved line with every point equal distance from the point of the center and bound together by the common interest. The seven point program of the CIRCLE OF LOVE is bound together by the common interest- LOVE.
The small heart in the center is taken from the logo of the HEART SPEAKS TO HEART program. By utilizing this portion of the logo and part of the Heart Speaks to Heart program that is compatible with the Circle of Love, a smooth transition occurs.
The Cross and Crown in the center of the heart is the national symbol of the Order- the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
The seven points selected indicate the needs of the Church and community best served by the Catholic Daughters. The program itemizes these needs with suggestions on how Catholic Daughters can effectively serve. Please click on the heart above each individual point to learn more about it.
The "CIRCLE OF LOVE' program portions of this Web site are gathered to assist Catholic Daughters in working with the Church and community. We are indeed very aware of the needs in society that are deeply affecting today's generation, the elderly, and human life. To be effective in promoting good works, we must reach out and make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering, whether it be through their own fault or the circumstances in which they find themselves. If we are to be "Jesus hands and feet" as is pledged in the Act of Consecration during the Installation Ceremony, then we must use the talents He gave us, become educated in new fields, volunteer our services and financial assistance where needed.
Local Courts are asked to select those portions of the programs that their members feel comfortable working on in their area. If many projects are selected, the task can become burdensome and little is accomplished. Members need to experience fulfillment when the projects are completed. This can happen when courts are selective in choosing court programs.
Many persons were involved in the formation of "Circle of Love". The National Board, members of the National Office and State Officers all had a part in the final adaptation. Thanks goes to each one of them.
The Disaster Relief fund
North american College
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
Catholic Relief Services
Apostleship of the Sea
Covenant House
Mother Teresa
Tutwiler Clinic
Project Handclasp
Laboure Society
Operation Morningstar encourages Catholic women to speak out and become ative in legislative issues at the local, state, and national levels. click here.
Coalition for Lift Blue Bus
Missions of Mercy
Memorial Mass Scholarship Fund
Texas Diaster Relief Fund
Habitat for Humanity
American Wheelchair Mission