First Vice-President-
Second Vice Presdient-
Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas (JCDA) youth program for girls six through eighteen (Juniorettes, age 6-11 and Juniors, 12-18) was founded in 1925.
The Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas have four basic goals to accomplish:
Each court in Texas contributes ten cents per member yearly sponsoring JCDA. These funds enable our JCDA state officers to attend organizational meetings, the institutions of new courts, and host the JCDA Biennial State Convention.
Dedicated sponsors across Texas give much more than money; they give their time, talent, and their love to help girls develop a deeper relationship with God, the Church, and community.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas have a variety of annual scholarship programs from the local level to our national JCDA scholarship that awards $1,000.00 annually to a JCDA member entering college.
To experience just one significant aspect of JCDA, please view the National Website at - and watch the video clip, JCDA at March for Life.
JCDA Chairmen-
Contact your JCDA Chairman via email at